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大家在看我的弟子全是大帝之资 圣墟(圣虚) 荒年锦书传 狩魔骑士 修仙:我靠多子多福当仙帝 我在禾念当虚拟歌手 忘川洗情 星星别闭眼 嫡嫁千金 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 
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difficulty:dEFcoN 2

Rank:Lance corporal(oR-3)

hit Rate:25%



operation busan

Refugee organization(despotis m )

Alliance:Korean National Intelligence Service(Im Jae-yeong,Authoritarian democracy)

Neutral:pIc(centris m?democracy)

Enemy:pro-Japanese Korean chaebol(Sin myeong-chi,despotis m)


battle of Incheon

the 8th mechanized Infantry division of RoKA(Lyu cheong-U,Authoritarian democracy)

Alliance:the 6th mechanized Infantry division of RoKA(Authoritarian democracy)

Neutral:pIc(centris m?democracy)

Enemy:KpA Loyalist(park Gwang-dong,Authoritarian Socialis m)


battle of Seoul

the 8th mechanized Infantry division of RoKA(Lyu cheong-U,Authoritarian democracy)

Alliance:Korean National Intelligence Service(Im Jae-yeong,Authoritarian democracy)

Neutral:pIc(centris m?democracy)

Enemy:KpA Loyalist(park Gwang-dong,Authoritarian Socialis m)


operation Unity

RoK provisional Government(Kim Kyung-young,Liberal democracy)

Alliance:RoKA Loyalist(Lee Gwan-mook,Authoritarian democracy)

Neutral:RoKA militarist(Eun hee-jung,despotis m)

Enemy:KpA militarist(Lee tae-han,despotis m)


operation pIc

RoK provisional Government(Kim Kyung-young,Liberal democracy)

Alliance:Anti-Imperialis m?Republican movement of USA(Ian Kurtz,conservative democracy)

Neutral:pro-pIc Korean Nationalist(An chung-hwan,paternal Autocracy)

Enemy:poseidon Industrial corporation(despotis m)

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经典收藏海岛超凡大领主 魅惑能力满级,仙女姐姐都是我的 洪荒:截教玄龟,大道词条伴生 开局仙帝修为,打造无敌宗门 九界神尊 最强狂暴升级 锦衣卫:靠着吃拿卡要我无敌了 亡灵召唤:我看穿潜能专抢女神 从水猴子开始成神 反派:谁说我是来退婚的? 江山美人志 人在截教,开局获得九转玄功 我一个国家队,混娱乐圈很合理吧 我,大周狱卒,以身镇万族 全球高武之声望成就 我把惊悚世界玩成养成游戏! 我成了太阳神 神豪:开局日入一万块 玄幻:我能捡属性变强 我在异界成武圣 
最近更新盗墓迷城之天一雄风 重生白蛇,出门捡到萝莉狐仙 会所指定铁匠 带着封神榜仙家闯异界 灵墟风云之暗影阴谋 星辰炼神道 吞天噬道决 天帝书 苟在少林十年,我无敌天下! 乾坤万界 封神,灾厄大帝申公豹! 我在蛊怪心世夺法筑佛,堕道登仙 太始噬天诀 废材也能逆天改命我在梦里成神 以现代科技制霸天庭 天命之人苍穹之战 师尊,你把师兄还给我好不好? 歌一曲神仙道 洪荒:杀敌爆修为,阐教崩溃了 玄幻:我靠着收集功法长生 
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